冰球突破豪华版试玩将根据你的申请来决定你的资格 FAFSA 结果. You are automatic所有y considered for Pell Grants, 补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), Unique Scholarship, Federal Work Study, and Direct Loans.

If a student receiving a Pell Grant, SEOG, or Direct Loan, 在完成本学期60%的课程之前退出所有课程, 学生可能需要偿还联邦政府和/或冰球突破豪华版试玩的钱. 看到 Financial Aid Policies for more information.

佩尔助学金是为有经济需要的学生提供的联邦助学金. To receive a Pell Grant the student must 满足所有 eligibility requirements.

佩尔助学金每学期按比例进行审查. 您的资格取决于您在每学期注册政策和截止日期(Registration Documents & 形式).

12+ credits = 100% of the Pell offer.

11 credits = 92% of the Pell offer.

10 credits = 83% of the Pell offer.

9 credits = 75% of the Pell offer.

8 credits = 67% of the Pell offer.

7 credits = 58% of the Pell offer.

6 credits = 50% of the Pell offer.

5 credits = 42% of the Pell offer.

4 credits = 33% of the Pell offer.

3 credits = 25% of the Pell offer.

2 credits = 17% of the Pell offer.

1 credit = 8% of the Pell offer.

佩尔助学金的终身资格限制相当于十二(12)个全日制学期. 达到或超过此限制的学生没有资格获得额外的佩尔助学金.

补充教育机会补助金是为有特殊经济需要的学生提供的. To receive an SEOG a student must 满足所有 eligibility requirements. 资金有限,以先到先得的方式发放.

To receive this grant, 你必须在每学期《冰球突破豪华版试玩》(Registration Documents & 形式).

独特的年度奖学金是为新罕布什尔有特殊经济需要的居民提供的补助金. 要获得独特奖学金,学生必须满足 所有 of these requirements:

  • 满足所有 eligibility requirements
  • 在过去至少连续12个月是新西兰居民
  • 文件一个 FAFSA 助学金年度(7月1日至6月30日)的1月31日前.

奖学金按比例发放,每学期评审一次. 资格由每学期《冰球突破豪华版试玩》(Registration Documents & 形式).

12+ credits = 100% of the Unique award.

6-11 credits = 50% of the Unique award.

1-5 credits = 0 Unique award.

联邦勤工俭学计划(FWS)让学生有机会通过在冰球突破豪华版试玩做兼职来赚钱. Students typic所有y work as lab, 图书馆, or office aides, under the supervision of a faculty or staff member. 校外社区服务机构的职位也有空缺. 在大多数情况下,勤工俭学的时间被限制在每周8-10小时. Work-study recipients must 满足所有 eligibility requirements and demonstrate financial need.

  • 学生的工资至少是目前的联邦最低工资.
  • 学生必须签署保密协议.
  • 学生必须以负责任和专业的态度完成指定的工作.
  • 学生在从事勤工俭学工作之前必须满足课程要求.

Some available positions are listed here 2324 Federal Work Study Opportunities. 位置有时会改变,因此这可能无法反映所有可用的位置. Visit the OneStop more information.


  • 一年级学生(获得30或更少学分)最多可以借5美元,500 per academic year ($9,500 for independent students).
  • 二年级学生(获得31个或更多学分)最多可以借6美元,500 per academic year ($10,500 for independent students).


  • 直接补贴贷款只提供给有经济需要的学生.
    • 补贴贷款的利息直到借款人不再是至少半全日制学生(6个或以上学分)后才开始累积。.
  • 无论经济需求如何,都提供无补贴贷款.
    • 直接无补贴贷款在借款人上大学期间,直至贷款全部还清,都要计息. 在使用这种贷款之前,尽量用尽其他援助来源.

Direct Loan borrowers must:

Additional information, including current interest rates, 主本票及贷款入学辅导, is available at StudentAid.政府.

联邦本科生家长贷款项目为受抚养学生的父母提供教育资金. PLUS贷款是一种基于信用的选择,提供给已经完成FAFSA的学生的父母. 家长可以借到学生的学费,不包括任何其他经济援助. 作为借款人的家属的学生必须满足所有要求 eligibility requirements 必须至少注册一半时间(每学期6学分). 借款人须签署贷款协议(MPN)。.

Additional information, including applications, current interest rates, and Loan Agreement (MPN), is available at StudentAid.政府.

私人贷款机构为学生或家长提供另类贷款. 学生借款人可能会受益于更优惠的贷款条款,有一个共同签署人. 学生(或家长)直接向贷款机构申请. 贷款人将进行信用检查,并通知学生:

  • If the loan is approved
  • The interest rate of the loan
  • Origination fees
  • Whether a cosigner will be required.

与其他学生贷款一样,替代贷款也必须偿还. A helpful comparison tool can be found at:

ELM Select

以下是一些推荐给冰球突破豪华版试玩学生的奖学金来源. 这些项目有自己的资格、申请和/或截止日期要求. 许多是受限制的,有些竞争非常激烈,但它们都值得研究.

CCSNH Foundation Scholarships

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation


Office hours:

8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday

Mailing address:

Financial Aid Office
Great Bay Community College
320 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth NH 03801


Phone: (603) 427-7600 Ext. 7501
Fax: (603) 334-6308
电子邮件: [email protected]


Susan Proulx, Director

Andrew Savage, Assistant Director

Tyler Anderson, Financial Aid Assistant


of students receive financial aid